The Bylaws Committee, Cindy DeMore, Wendy Dillenschneider and Tonya Favinger, asked me to convey the following important message to you.
Several members who are unable to attend the Oct. 30, 2009 Guild meeting have requested the ability to cast an absentee vote for the 2010 Guild officers. Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised allows procedures for absentee voting (by mail or absentee) to be done by standing rule because the bylaws already state that all members in good standing have the right to vote. Therefore, the Bylaws Committee has approved this request with the following understanding:
1. The candidates proposed by the Board are
Susie O'Connor for President
Kathleen Grenfell for 1st Vice President
Betty King for Secretary
Kim McMurry forTreasurer
Teneka Potter-Sansomy for 3rd Vice P resident.
Nell Carnein will automatically move up to 2nd Vice President and will not be on subject to voting.
2. Any member voting by absentee in this election will create the member’s own ballot.
3. The member will submit the absentee ballot in a sealed envelope with the member’s name only on the outside of the envelope – the balloting is to be secret but each member’s vote must be accounted for, thus the member’s name should not be on the ballot proper.
4. If a member approves the slate of candidates submitted by the Board, the member need only to indicate that the member votes for the Board’s “slated nominations”.
5. Any member who writes in another member’s name for any given office must first obtain the candidate’s permission to do so.
6. If any member nominates one or more candidates by write in, the member should not neglect to vote for the balance of the nominated officers for which the member has not written in a candidate.
7. QAC's mailing address is:
Quilters Above the Clouds
P.O. Box 4145
Woodland Park, Co 80866
If you would care to take advantage of the opportunity to vote by absentee in the upcoming election, please, take care to follow the above guidelines.
If you have any question, please feel free to respond to this message, leave them in the comment section of this posting at our Blog, or contact one of the committee members.
Great time at the auction last nite. Looks like was a wonderful success! Desserts were fabulous