The Bylaws Committee, Cindy DeMore, Wendy Dillenschneider and Tonya Favinger, asked me to convey the following important message to you.
Several members who are unable to attend the Oct. 30, 2009 Guild meeting have requested the ability to cast an absentee vote for the 2010 Guild officers. Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised allows procedures for absentee voting (by mail or absentee) to be done by standing rule because the bylaws already state that all members in good standing have the right to vote. Therefore, the Bylaws Committee has approved this request with the following understanding:
1. The candidates proposed by the Board are
Susie O'Connor for President
Kathleen Grenfell for 1st Vice President
Betty King for Secretary
Kim McMurry forTreasurer
Teneka Potter-Sansomy for 3rd Vice P resident.
Nell Carnein will automatically move up to 2nd Vice President and will not be on subject to voting.
2. Any member voting by absentee in this election will create the member’s own ballot.
3. The member will submit the absentee ballot in a sealed envelope with the member’s name only on the outside of the envelope – the balloting is to be secret but each member’s vote must be accounted for, thus the member’s name should not be on the ballot proper.
4. If a member approves the slate of candidates submitted by the Board, the member need only to indicate that the member votes for the Board’s “slated nominations”.
5. Any member who writes in another member’s name for any given office must first obtain the candidate’s permission to do so.
6. If any member nominates one or more candidates by write in, the member should not neglect to vote for the balance of the nominated officers for which the member has not written in a candidate.
7. QAC's mailing address is:
Quilters Above the Clouds
P.O. Box 4145
Woodland Park, Co 80866
If you would care to take advantage of the opportunity to vote by absentee in the upcoming election, please, take care to follow the above guidelines.
If you have any question, please feel free to respond to this message, leave them in the comment section of this posting at our Blog, or contact one of the committee members.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Our gorgeous new banner -- an oil painting extraordinaire!!!!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
QAC Newsletter for Oct. 2009
Quilters above the Clouds Newsletter
Volume 2, Issue 23 Oct. 18, 2009
Letter from the Prez,
A Questionnaire from Wendy
Important Alert Holiday Party/Meeting
QAC Blog
Member Reacquaint: Nell Carnein and Dawn Henderson
Letter from the Prez
We will be holding our QAC election of new officers at our October 30th meeting, so please mark your calendar and come to elect and support your 2010 Board Members. Our nomination committee was not able to find members who would serve for next year, so the nominations committee was dissolved at the Board Meeting on October 8th so that members who had served on the nominations committee would then be eligible to run for office. Now that those members no longer have a conflict, the Board then accepted nominations from Arlan Gerhardt for
Susie O'Connor for President
Betty King for Secretary
Kim McMurry was nominated for Treasurer and Teneka Potter-Sansomy was nominated for 3rd VP.
Kathleen Grenfell will continue to serve as 1st Vice President while
Nell Carnein will automatically move up to 2nd Vice President
Other than Nell's 2nd Vice Prez position, members could present nominations from the floor at the time of our elections if they wish, but since the committee was unable to find members who would commit to serve and fulfill the term all of 2010, that is not likely. Your Board has recommended these members as your slate of officers for 2010 and we hope all of you will give each of them your help and support.
Debby Pyeatt reported to the Board that she has paid the balance on your liability insurance and all bills are paid to date, leaving a balance of just over $2,200.00 in our account. I am hoping that with our $500.00 fund-raiser from Dr. K. for his son's memorial quilt (which Scott Beaver and Cindy Link are working on for us) and our hopes of a net profit in the area of $3,000 from our Auction/fund raiser November 6th at the UPCC, we will close out the 2009 term with the funds available that QAC will need to carryon their work and reach their goals. I wish you good luck and good fun in the coming year.
Your audit committee for 2009 is still in force and will meet in early December to receive and review the financial records from Treasurer, Debby Pyeatt, and pass the baton to your new treasurer, Nell Carnein is the Chairman of that committee and Betty King and Jan Simpson are the other members.
Thanks so much, Jeanie
Holiday Meeting Party
A little bird reported that some members were not informed about last month’s change of venue for our meeting. It seems appropriate, therefore, to begin broadcasting the change-of-date of the November/December meeting! This change is taking place because the normal meeting dates would fall on Christmas and Thanksgiving.
Please discuss this among yourselves so that everyone is aware of the change! Plan to be at the Woodland Park Public Library on Friday, December 4th, 2009 for the festivities -- further details to be announced!.
QAC Blog
The URL for our new blog is:
With Yahoo’s Geocities scheduled demise on Oct. 26, QAC needed to find an economical venue to maintain a presence on the Worldwide Web. A Quilty Muse or perhaps a Quilty Angel presented a solution with Google’s “Blogspot”. Thus far it looks much more professional than our previous site with a quicker download time. The drawback is, it isn’t obvious how to store and archive files such as these newsletters or Block of the Months. These problems will be resolved because other sites, such as Reeze Hanson’s
have these features.
The Yahoo chat group is totally unaffected by the Geocities shutdown. Those of you who do participate with that option will be unaffected.
Oct. Charm Squares
Charm square themes for 2009
October- Fall fabric print
Nov/Dec- Holiday fabric print
Call Jeanie if you have questions.
Quilting for the Advocacy Center
The next session of Quilting for the Advocacy Center will take place on Thursday, Oct. 22 , 2009 and will be at Nuts n’ Bolts Needleworks, 200 S. Chestnut, Woodland Park, CO from
10 AM until 4 PM. The date scheduled for November is Nov. 19, 2009. December’s date is December 17, 2009. These 2 dates will meet at the Community Room of the WP Library from 10:00 AM until 4:00 PM.
A Quilty Survey
Wendy Dillenscheider
Yes, Ladies, homework!
Please fill out this survey and bring it to the October meeting, or email it to me at before the November/December meeting. Thanks.
• When did you start your first quilt? Is it finished?
• How old were you when you started quilting?
• Have you labeled or signed all your quilts?
• Do you have pictures of all your quilts?
• Do you quilt your own or send them out to be quilted?
• How many UFOs do you have? (You must have at least cut some fabric for something to be a UFO.)
• How old is your oldest UFO?
• KITs are fabrics packaged with the pattern, either bought that way or put together yourself. (If you’ve raided more than 50% of the fabric for other projects, they don’t count.) How many KITs do you have?
• How many unquilted tops do you have?
• How many WHIMMs (works hidden in my mind) do you have?
• What is the most unusual name you’ve ever given a quilt? Why?
• How many quilting groups do you belong to?
• About how many hours a week do you quilt?
Mother and Daughter Quilters
For new members who haven’t heard the charming story of Nell and her daughter, Dawn, and for some of you who might have dis-remembered it, here is this great story “rerun”. It only improves with re-hearing:
Nell Carnein, 2010 VP for Programs
I grew up in Ontario, Canada (very briefly), upstate New York, and northern New Jersey, where I went to college to become an English teacher. I taught 7th and 8th grade English for 11 years, during which time I got married and became the mother of four, all in one fell swoop. We took summer trips out west, and fell in love with Colorado. In 1978 my husband and I moved to Florissant, opened an arts and crafts gallery ("the Eye of the Beholder") in the east end of the Fossil Inn, and began building our dream house in Indian Creek. Unfortunately, my husband died suddenly before our house was completed. I moved back East and married the geology professor with whom my first husband and I had become friends when we first moved to Colorado. Our family has grown since then to include 4 children, 9 grandchildren and 3+greatgrandchildren.
I had done needlework (taught by my maternal grandmother), but had never quilted. I met some quilters, joined a guild, and made my first quilt for the birth of my fourth grandchild. I've been quilting for about 14 years, and still consider myself a beginner. My husband retired last May, and we moved to Arabian Acres from central PA in July. I feel as though I've come HOME! In addition to quilting, I enjoy sewing, knitting, x-stitching, reading and volunteering at the Fossil Beds visitors' center.
Dawn Henderson
I'm 51 years old and at least half the time I feel it. If my married life could justly be measured in events and dramas I will be celebrating my 75th anniversary this summer, but in human years it will only be 25. Together my husband and I have three children – His (37), Mine (28), Ours (21). We have had a teenager for most of our married life – explaining a lot. This past year we have happily and officially added one daughter in-law to the family and one grandson (11).
My husband, Lonnie, is from Kansas. After meeting in Colorado we have spent most of our time working together in his construction and rental business in Salina, KS. Through the years we have been here in Florissant, Colorado for summers and vacations. Since his retirement I have stated my case, which is: that we’ve spent the first 25 years in KS - we should spend the next 25 in Colorado, no response other than he thinks I shouldn’t refer to it like a jail sentence, I guess the jury is still out on the up and coming 25. Nell Carnein is my wonderful mother! At 24 she married my father and received 4 children (12,11,10, +9) as a dowry (Scary to say the least). I’m sure she can thank us for all her beautiful gray hairs. (Hey - it’s not all bad they look good on her) .We are very blessed that she was brave enough to join our family! I’m very appreciative for all the time, effort, and love she has given us. Her grandchildren think she and her husband Bob are terrific too! HAPPY MOTHERS DAY - NELL! I started sewing and unsewing quilts about ten years ago. I have made about 10 quilts and I struggle with trying to improve my skills. I’m very inspired and impressed with the talented and generous women in this guild – Thanks for all the effort in creating the guild and running it so well!
Quilters Above the Clouds
Minutes September 25 2009
The meeting was called to order at 2:50 by President Jeanie Brooks. The meeting was abbreviated because of the potluck picnic.
Jeanie announced that Board meetings are moved to the Library at 1:00 for October and the remainder of the year.
Jeanie also announced that there is a new Arbitration Committee. The Committee Chair is Dawn Henderson, and she will appoint a committee. Complaints or concerns will be submitted to the committee in writing.
Signature blocks will be revisited at the Nov/Dec meeting to add additional members to the signature quilt.
Debby Pyeatt asked that Tessa animals and quilts have a note on them stating that it is all right to sell the item, or that the item is designated for Tessa children only.
A few members attempted to voice concerns regarding interpersonal issues. It was suggested that this type of discussion is not appropriate in the context of the guild meeting. Tanya Favinger moved that the discussion not continue and Kim McMurray seconded the motion which was passed by membership.
Wendy Dillenschneider said that we do not need to continue to bring 2.5 inch strips, but if members still have some they wish to contribute, they may bring them to the next meeting. There will be a surprise involving use of the strips at the Nov/Dec meeting.
Sue Kongs gave the November auction committee report. Items for the auction are due at the October meeting. A volunteer signup sheet for the day of the event was passed and it will be available again at the October meeting. Tickets for the auction event are available at Nuts n Bolts for $15 or 2/$25. Tickets will also be available at the October meeting. Please plan to purchase tickets before the event to help the committee plan for the appropriate number of attendees. If you would like to take some tickets to sell, please contact Jan Simpson.
Betty King reported that the nominations committee has not completed its slate, and asked that members contact her with if they would like to run for office or nominate someone for office. They are hoping to complete the slate before the October newsletter. It was reiterated that while the committee will present the membership with a slate, nominations from the floor will also be accepted prior to voting (i.e. anyone can be accepted to run for office if nominated from the floor). An individual must have been in the guild for one year to run for the office of President per the Bylaws.
The meeting adjourned at 3:15.
Minutes submitted by Sue Kongs (substituting for Nancy Henninger)
Volume 2, Issue 23 Oct. 18, 2009
Letter from the Prez,
A Questionnaire from Wendy
Important Alert Holiday Party/Meeting
QAC Blog
Member Reacquaint: Nell Carnein and Dawn Henderson
Letter from the Prez
We will be holding our QAC election of new officers at our October 30th meeting, so please mark your calendar and come to elect and support your 2010 Board Members. Our nomination committee was not able to find members who would serve for next year, so the nominations committee was dissolved at the Board Meeting on October 8th so that members who had served on the nominations committee would then be eligible to run for office. Now that those members no longer have a conflict, the Board then accepted nominations from Arlan Gerhardt for
Susie O'Connor for President
Betty King for Secretary
Kim McMurry was nominated for Treasurer and Teneka Potter-Sansomy was nominated for 3rd VP.
Kathleen Grenfell will continue to serve as 1st Vice President while
Nell Carnein will automatically move up to 2nd Vice President
Other than Nell's 2nd Vice Prez position, members could present nominations from the floor at the time of our elections if they wish, but since the committee was unable to find members who would commit to serve and fulfill the term all of 2010, that is not likely. Your Board has recommended these members as your slate of officers for 2010 and we hope all of you will give each of them your help and support.
Debby Pyeatt reported to the Board that she has paid the balance on your liability insurance and all bills are paid to date, leaving a balance of just over $2,200.00 in our account. I am hoping that with our $500.00 fund-raiser from Dr. K. for his son's memorial quilt (which Scott Beaver and Cindy Link are working on for us) and our hopes of a net profit in the area of $3,000 from our Auction/fund raiser November 6th at the UPCC, we will close out the 2009 term with the funds available that QAC will need to carryon their work and reach their goals. I wish you good luck and good fun in the coming year.
Your audit committee for 2009 is still in force and will meet in early December to receive and review the financial records from Treasurer, Debby Pyeatt, and pass the baton to your new treasurer, Nell Carnein is the Chairman of that committee and Betty King and Jan Simpson are the other members.
Thanks so much, Jeanie
Holiday Meeting Party
A little bird reported that some members were not informed about last month’s change of venue for our meeting. It seems appropriate, therefore, to begin broadcasting the change-of-date of the November/December meeting! This change is taking place because the normal meeting dates would fall on Christmas and Thanksgiving.
Please discuss this among yourselves so that everyone is aware of the change! Plan to be at the Woodland Park Public Library on Friday, December 4th, 2009 for the festivities -- further details to be announced!.
QAC Blog
The URL for our new blog is:
With Yahoo’s Geocities scheduled demise on Oct. 26, QAC needed to find an economical venue to maintain a presence on the Worldwide Web. A Quilty Muse or perhaps a Quilty Angel presented a solution with Google’s “Blogspot”. Thus far it looks much more professional than our previous site with a quicker download time. The drawback is, it isn’t obvious how to store and archive files such as these newsletters or Block of the Months. These problems will be resolved because other sites, such as Reeze Hanson’s
have these features.
The Yahoo chat group is totally unaffected by the Geocities shutdown. Those of you who do participate with that option will be unaffected.
Oct. Charm Squares
Charm square themes for 2009
October- Fall fabric print
Nov/Dec- Holiday fabric print
Call Jeanie if you have questions.
Quilting for the Advocacy Center
The next session of Quilting for the Advocacy Center will take place on Thursday, Oct. 22 , 2009 and will be at Nuts n’ Bolts Needleworks, 200 S. Chestnut, Woodland Park, CO from
10 AM until 4 PM. The date scheduled for November is Nov. 19, 2009. December’s date is December 17, 2009. These 2 dates will meet at the Community Room of the WP Library from 10:00 AM until 4:00 PM.
A Quilty Survey
Wendy Dillenscheider
Yes, Ladies, homework!
Please fill out this survey and bring it to the October meeting, or email it to me at before the November/December meeting. Thanks.
• When did you start your first quilt? Is it finished?
• How old were you when you started quilting?
• Have you labeled or signed all your quilts?
• Do you have pictures of all your quilts?
• Do you quilt your own or send them out to be quilted?
• How many UFOs do you have? (You must have at least cut some fabric for something to be a UFO.)
• How old is your oldest UFO?
• KITs are fabrics packaged with the pattern, either bought that way or put together yourself. (If you’ve raided more than 50% of the fabric for other projects, they don’t count.) How many KITs do you have?
• How many unquilted tops do you have?
• How many WHIMMs (works hidden in my mind) do you have?
• What is the most unusual name you’ve ever given a quilt? Why?
• How many quilting groups do you belong to?
• About how many hours a week do you quilt?
Mother and Daughter Quilters
For new members who haven’t heard the charming story of Nell and her daughter, Dawn, and for some of you who might have dis-remembered it, here is this great story “rerun”. It only improves with re-hearing:
Nell Carnein, 2010 VP for Programs
I grew up in Ontario, Canada (very briefly), upstate New York, and northern New Jersey, where I went to college to become an English teacher. I taught 7th and 8th grade English for 11 years, during which time I got married and became the mother of four, all in one fell swoop. We took summer trips out west, and fell in love with Colorado. In 1978 my husband and I moved to Florissant, opened an arts and crafts gallery ("the Eye of the Beholder") in the east end of the Fossil Inn, and began building our dream house in Indian Creek. Unfortunately, my husband died suddenly before our house was completed. I moved back East and married the geology professor with whom my first husband and I had become friends when we first moved to Colorado. Our family has grown since then to include 4 children, 9 grandchildren and 3+greatgrandchildren.
I had done needlework (taught by my maternal grandmother), but had never quilted. I met some quilters, joined a guild, and made my first quilt for the birth of my fourth grandchild. I've been quilting for about 14 years, and still consider myself a beginner. My husband retired last May, and we moved to Arabian Acres from central PA in July. I feel as though I've come HOME! In addition to quilting, I enjoy sewing, knitting, x-stitching, reading and volunteering at the Fossil Beds visitors' center.
Dawn Henderson
I'm 51 years old and at least half the time I feel it. If my married life could justly be measured in events and dramas I will be celebrating my 75th anniversary this summer, but in human years it will only be 25. Together my husband and I have three children – His (37), Mine (28), Ours (21). We have had a teenager for most of our married life – explaining a lot. This past year we have happily and officially added one daughter in-law to the family and one grandson (11).
My husband, Lonnie, is from Kansas. After meeting in Colorado we have spent most of our time working together in his construction and rental business in Salina, KS. Through the years we have been here in Florissant, Colorado for summers and vacations. Since his retirement I have stated my case, which is: that we’ve spent the first 25 years in KS - we should spend the next 25 in Colorado, no response other than he thinks I shouldn’t refer to it like a jail sentence, I guess the jury is still out on the up and coming 25. Nell Carnein is my wonderful mother! At 24 she married my father and received 4 children (12,11,10, +9) as a dowry (Scary to say the least). I’m sure she can thank us for all her beautiful gray hairs. (Hey - it’s not all bad they look good on her) .We are very blessed that she was brave enough to join our family! I’m very appreciative for all the time, effort, and love she has given us. Her grandchildren think she and her husband Bob are terrific too! HAPPY MOTHERS DAY - NELL! I started sewing and unsewing quilts about ten years ago. I have made about 10 quilts and I struggle with trying to improve my skills. I’m very inspired and impressed with the talented and generous women in this guild – Thanks for all the effort in creating the guild and running it so well!
Quilters Above the Clouds
Minutes September 25 2009
The meeting was called to order at 2:50 by President Jeanie Brooks. The meeting was abbreviated because of the potluck picnic.
Jeanie announced that Board meetings are moved to the Library at 1:00 for October and the remainder of the year.
Jeanie also announced that there is a new Arbitration Committee. The Committee Chair is Dawn Henderson, and she will appoint a committee. Complaints or concerns will be submitted to the committee in writing.
Signature blocks will be revisited at the Nov/Dec meeting to add additional members to the signature quilt.
Debby Pyeatt asked that Tessa animals and quilts have a note on them stating that it is all right to sell the item, or that the item is designated for Tessa children only.
A few members attempted to voice concerns regarding interpersonal issues. It was suggested that this type of discussion is not appropriate in the context of the guild meeting. Tanya Favinger moved that the discussion not continue and Kim McMurray seconded the motion which was passed by membership.
Wendy Dillenschneider said that we do not need to continue to bring 2.5 inch strips, but if members still have some they wish to contribute, they may bring them to the next meeting. There will be a surprise involving use of the strips at the Nov/Dec meeting.
Sue Kongs gave the November auction committee report. Items for the auction are due at the October meeting. A volunteer signup sheet for the day of the event was passed and it will be available again at the October meeting. Tickets for the auction event are available at Nuts n Bolts for $15 or 2/$25. Tickets will also be available at the October meeting. Please plan to purchase tickets before the event to help the committee plan for the appropriate number of attendees. If you would like to take some tickets to sell, please contact Jan Simpson.
Betty King reported that the nominations committee has not completed its slate, and asked that members contact her with if they would like to run for office or nominate someone for office. They are hoping to complete the slate before the October newsletter. It was reiterated that while the committee will present the membership with a slate, nominations from the floor will also be accepted prior to voting (i.e. anyone can be accepted to run for office if nominated from the floor). An individual must have been in the guild for one year to run for the office of President per the Bylaws.
The meeting adjourned at 3:15.
Minutes submitted by Sue Kongs (substituting for Nancy Henninger)
Thursday, October 8, 2009
UFO Day at Nuts 'n Bolts
Marsha and Marybeth invited any and all interested local quilters into Nuts 'n Bolts Needleworks today. The session's intended purpose was to finish neglected projects. A valiant effort was made towards that end; no further mention of that goal will be made.
Aline discussing sky fabric:
Pat and Kim discussing window fabric:
Marybeth's church block:
Aline discussing sky fabric:

Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Quilts in the Aspens, 2009 Quilt Show a Trememdous Success!

Andrea's Lone Star Rising swept the show:

Another Stunner from the show, Barb's 2008 Moda U, Tisket Taskat :

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